Living Gandhi
Even sixty three years after demise of Gandhiji (Jan,30,1948) the community strictly abides by the Gandhian way of life. Preaching and living the well known Gandhian philosophy of ‘simple living and high thinking’. They believe in simplicity of lifestyle- stitching their own clothes and eating vegetables grown in the village. The villagers cook food themselves and even carry the self prepared food with them on long journeys. The decision to give up hunting and eating meat was influenced by the Gandhian stress on ahimsa (non violence) and vegetarianism. What binds them is the worship of nationalism, every evening the flag is furled and prayers offered.
However despite adherence to a sustainable lifestyle and devotion to the nation, the Bhagats are living in abject poverty. This deteriorating condition is both due to internal and external reasons. Poor governance is one of the major causes. Due to the apathy of successive governments, this community has till now not even been formal recognition as a tribe. This non recognition has rendered them unfit for reservations in educational institutions or organisations. The government has not even been able to grant them legal rights over their property. Stringent community rules also prevent the youth from leaving their native place in search of educational or work opportunities. As a result of all these, the village is caught in a terrible time warp. Hailing of ahimsa, Satyagraha and unwavering support for democracy has not helped them much.
It is only recently that the government of Jharkhand has released land previously under the British to the community. The tribe now heaves a breath of relief as years of abiding by the Gandhian principle of adopting non violent means to one’s ends have finally reaped benefits.
The Tana Bhagat’s can be seen to depict both the strength and the weakness of the Gandhian philosophy. The strength of non violent and peaceful resilience and the price of backwardness owing to a narrow mindset towards technology and urbanisation. However this mini Tolstoy farm also serves to remind us of the immense charisma of the man who with his simple lifestyle managed to win over the hearts and minds of an entire community and even influence their lifestyle for generations.
As the government is yet to take concrete steps for the development of this community, one wonders whether Gandhi taking three straight hits at his chest for the nation was a waste? And while we debate this community’s blind adherence to Gandhi, the tricolor at the Oraon belt of Jharkand continues to furl.