When Annadom replaced Babudom

Our Anna who art in Ramlila, feared is thy name,
Let Annadom come let  Hazares will be done
On parliament as in the street

The prayer comes in the wake of the Anna agitation resumed last month after the government introduced a toothless version of the Lokpal in the Parliament. What started off as a movement to ensure a strong Lokpal Bill turned into an attempt to get the same bill passed within a time-bound frame-work.  
Refusing permission to protest in Jai Prakash Narayan Park, the government sought to clamp the uprising in its nascent stages. However things turned from bad to worse when the political stratagem of the UPA 2 failed to dampen the spirit of the masses. Anna’s arrest only turned the tide in the favour of the agitation- swelling the followers of the movement.
Two notable things occurred in the process. First among them was the catharsis of the frustrations of a citizenry. Second was the establishment of the brand called ‘Anna’. And it would not be but obvious to say the latter was a consequence of the former.
The agitation became a platform  where one and all could relieve their angst at the seemingly inactive government .Though the mass movement largely had the face of the middle class, the sentiments voiced seemed to resonate with that of the poor. The fact  that  representatives  of all cultural and economic strata- the tribals of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Chattisgarh, natives of Andaman Nicobar islands, doctors, engineers, autowallahs, dhabawallahs, vendors, computer professionals, journalists, actors lent support, dismisses the argument that the movement was rooted in the urban middle class. It successfully provided for a peaceful venting of a decade of anger at successive governments.
The second development was the rising of ‘Annadom’ and consequent displacing of ‘Babudom’. Use of terms like ‘Annapolis’, ’Anna-conda’,’ Annalila’ by the media capturing the essence of this rise. The government’s non populist measure of arresting the leader of the masses only served to engineer comparisons of Anna with the Mahatma and his struggle as ‘the second freedom struggle.’
With a history of undertaking fasts on 15 previous occasions over a span of 113 days to get his demands for both personal and public welfare met, the fast for the Jan Lokpal was a successive progression for the Gandhian crusader. What made him successful was his ability to connect with the masses.
However this allegiance of the people was misunderstood as the power to parade as the sole voice of the civil society. Kiran Bedis ‘Anna is India and India is Anna’ being a case in point. Other voices of society like those of Aruna Roy, Nandan Nilekani and Former Chief Justice CJ Verma suggesting the agitation respect the constitutional framework of passing laws, were conveniently sidelined.
What makes the rise of the brand dubious is the fact that its origins are discreet. Why did Anna suddenly choose to take up the burden of freeing the nation of corruption? Why did his uprising come at a time when the UPA government was struggling to rebuild its tarnished image? Dealing a  lethal blow  to the ruling government?
It is the much praised ‘unprecedented and spontaneous’ character of the movement, which compels one to question its intentions. While the governments squeals of a “foreign hand” could drown in peals of laughter, its allegation of the role of right wing extremists in the movement draws serious concerns.
For following the argument, it is obvious that the loss of confidence in the ruling party would bear rich dividends for the right wingers. Added to this is the fact that the movement was conspicuous with the absence of the marginalised Dalits and minorities - Muslims in particular. While desperate attempts were made by team Anna to show solidarity with these groups- the employing of children of these sections to break the fast of Anna being an example. These sections of the society chose to distance themselves from the movement and advocated a Bahujan Lokpal. However, none of these concerns were addressed let alone mentioned by Team Anna.
The role of the media in the phenomenon of Annadom too deserves attention. And this is where Annas movement leaves behind other parallels like the JP movement of the 1970s. For this agitation became the fodder of the breaking news. The minute- by-minute coverage that this movement enjoyed, catapulted it to the league of mass movements in history.
In view of all of the above, care must be taken firstly to ensure the catharsis achieved does not become an end in itself, but successfully culminates with the rooting out of corruption from the land. And secondly, that brand Hazare does not displace the Constitution or parliamentary democracy.
Meanwhile, a toast to Annadom while it lasts.
Our Anna who art in Ramlila, feared is thy name...
Give us this day our Jan Lokpal bread.


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