Round The World To See A Whale?

There can be plenty of reasons for you to travel – business, relaxation or adventure. Allow us to give you a great excuse to plan your next trip: whale watching. Yes, step out of your rabbit hole and be a part of a growing passion shared by millions round the globe.
These magnanimous creatures who spend their entire life in the waters are so thrilling to watch, that 13 million people from across the world travel just to catch a glimpse of them. Whale junkies say watching these larger than life animals is an inexplicable feeling. Some of the most popular whales that figure in sighting lists of whale watchers are the Grey whale, Southern right whale, Bowhead whale, Narwhal, Humpback whale, Minke whale, Blue whale and the Sperm whale.
This tradition of commercial whale watching has its origins way back in the 1971 when the Montreal Zoological Society offered tourists trips on the eastern coast of North America to watch the whales. Today, whale watching commercial trips are organised in 119 countries. Some hotspots being Vancouver Island, Canada; Antarctic Peninsula; Domenica, Caribbea;South-East Alaska, Isle of Mull,Scotland; Canadian Arctic; Baja California, Mexico; the Maldives.
But, planning and patience is vital before heading out to watch the whales. As there are few hotspots where the world’s largest mammals frequent for feeding or breeding purposes.You would aslo need to identify the right season as they hardly stay put for many months at one place. Once there, you might have to patiently wait for the gentle gaint or(if your lucky) gaints to show up!
When you set out for whale watching, one of the many breathtaking moments you can expect to experience is the ‘songs’ vocalised by adult whale males. This ‘song’ in reality a series of low and high tones, that last anywhere from 6 to 35 minutes, are usually used to woo females or as a territorial display by the males. Another whale watching moment worth traveling for is the breaching or jumping of whales. This behaviour is understood as an assertion of dominance, courtship or a sign of danger by the whales. According to whale watchers watching a whale is like watching a Boeing airplane swim by you, an experience which can only leave a stone untouched.
Tempted enough? Get started by planning your trip with the help of popular whale watching sites. A walloping whale time beckons you!

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